Body Lift

in New York

Introduction to
Body Lift

Imagine a procedure that enhances your physique and elevates your self-assurance. Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart, practicing in Long Island and Manhattan, welcome you to embark on the extraordinary journey of a Body Lift. This innovative cosmetic surgery transcends traditional boundaries, reshaping and rejuvenating to unveil a more confident and empowered version of yourself. Explore the potential of a Body Lift with us at New You Plastic Surgery, where your envisioned silhouette becomes a captivating reality.

woman nice body | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

What is a Body Lift?

A Body Lift in Long Island or NYC is a transformative journey of aesthetic refinement. This cutting-edge cosmetic procedure from New You Plastic Surgery is designed to address sagging skin and excess fat, harmonizing your body contours for a revitalized and sculpted appearance. 

Dr. Nikfarjam’s and Dr. Goulart’s approach combines precision and innovation, ensuring that your Body Lift exceeds mere transformation, becoming a testament to the beauty that lies beneath. We can’t wait for you to go on a voyage of change, where the ordinary dissolves, and the extraordinary takes shape!


What are the benefits of an Body Lift?

A Body Lift in NYC or Long Island from New You Plastic Surgery offers lots of benefits, promising a change tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam’s expert touch ensures:

  • Comprehensive contouring
  • Enhanced Body proportions
  • Improved skin tightness
  • Boosted confidence

Who are the best candidates for the Body Lift procedure?

A Body Lift procedure in Manhattan and Long Island is ideal for individuals who:

  • Have experienced significant weight loss, resulting in loose, sagging skin
  • Seek comprehensive body contouring, addressing multiple areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks
  • Are in good overall health, with stable body weight
  • Have realistic expectations and a commitment to the recovery process.
  • Desire a transformative journey to enhance their body proportions and achieve a more sculpted, youthful appearance

What’s the
first step?

Dr. Nikfarjam consultation | New You Plastic Surgery in New York
black marble | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

Body lift first steps

To begin your transformative journey with a Body Lift at New You Plastic Surgery, you must take the first step by scheduling a personalized consultation with Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart. During this initial appointment, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your goals, medical history, and any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. Dr. Nikfarjam will evaluate your candidacy for the Body Lift, explain the process in detail, and work with you to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and desired outcome. Start your path to a more sculpted, confident you by scheduling your consultation today.

What to expect on the day of Body Lift surgery

On the day of your Body Lift surgery in New York City or Long Island, you will be welcomed with excitement and dedication, as your life is about to change. As you enter the operating room, our surgeons begin by addressing specific areas of concern. The process typically involves the careful removal of excess skin and fat, strategically lifting and tightening to create a sculpted and rejuvenated appearance. 

Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulartcarefully places incisions around your body, targeting areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Through these incisions, excess skin and fat will be removed, resulting in a tighter and more contoured midsection. The incisions are strategically placed to be hidden within natural creases or clothing lines, minimizing their visibility and scarring.

The surgery is conducted with utmost precision, ensuring a natural and harmonious outcome. Quite often, we will use Liposuction to help with the removal of stubborn fat deposits from specific problem areas, further refining your body contour and achieving optimal results.

Body Lift Recovery

The recovery period after your Body Lift in Long Island or Manhattan from New You Plastic Surgery is a crucial phase in achieving optimal results. Expect some initial swelling and bruising, particularly around the treated areas. Dr. Nikfarjam provides detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process. Adhering to these guidelines, including the use of compression garments to minimize swelling and support optimal healing, is essential.

As the weeks pass, the swelling will gradually subside, revealing the final, enhanced contours of your body. 

How much does an Body Lift cost in Long Island, NY?

The cost of a Body Lift at New You Plastic Surgery can vary based on several factors, including the extent of the procedure, specific techniques used, and individual patient needs. Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart are committed to providing personalized care and will discuss pricing options during your consultation. Investing in a Body Lift is an investment in achieving a more contoured and sculpted physique. Contact New You Plastic Surgery to explore the pricing and financing options tailored to your goals and budget.

dr. nikfarjam surgeon | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

Why choose
new you
plastic surgery?

Nestled in the vibrant heart of New York City, our practice is dedicated to delivering results that go beyond expectations. Experience the fusion of transformation and artistry at New You Plastic Surgery, led by the skilled hands of Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart. Elevate your aesthetic journey with our diverse array of procedures, from Facelifts and Breast Augmentation to Tummy Tucks and Body Lifts. Dr. Nikfarjam is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Aesthetic Society.

As you step into our practice, you’ll find an atmosphere meticulously crafted for your comfort and tailored to your dreams. At New You Plastic Surgery, we recognize the uniqueness of each patient, deserving of personalized care and attention. Our commitment is to provide you with a welcoming sanctuary where your goals turn into reality.

Dr. Nikfarjam and our team are dedicated to understanding your aspirations and guiding you through the possibilities. Contact us today, and let New You Plastic Surgery be the architect of your newfound confidence and beauty in New York City.

Schedule a

Ready to embark on your journey to a renewed, confident you? Schedule your consultation with New You Plastic Surgery today. Dr. Jeremy Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart are eager to understand your unique goals and guide you through the possibilities. Your personalized transformation awaits – contact us now and let the architectural beauty of New You Plastic Surgery unfold for your Body Lift in the heart of New York City.

Schedule Consultation

Body Lift FAQ’S

New you resources

We know that the decision to undergo plastic surgery can be a big one. There are many things to consider before your procedure, regardless of whether you live in the greater New York City area or are traveling from out of state. Our knowledgeable and friendly team wants to make your experience as seamless and effortless as possible, which is why we provide some informational resources to make your journey to a new you a little less stressful.

Patient Resources

Schedule Gallery (516) 279-2616