Chin Implants

in New York

Chin Implants

The chin, a central feature of your face, plays a pivotal role in achieving facial harmony and balance. Dr. Nikfarjam, a skilled architect of beauty, invites you to discover the allure of enhanced chin definition through state-of-the-art procedures in Manhattan and Long Island. Elevate your facial aesthetics, boost your self-confidence, and let your inner beauty shine with the precision and expertise offered at New You Plastic Surgery. Welcome to a world where every contour of yours tells a unique story. Keep reading to learn more about our life-changing Chin Implants.

woman's profile chin implants | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

What is a Chin Implant?

A Chin Implant is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the definition and balance of the chin, providing a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing facial profile. This innovative procedure involves the placement of an implant, carefully selected to suit your unique facial features, to augment the chin’s size and projection. Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart at New You Plastic Surgery utilize advanced techniques to sculpt and refine the chin, offering patients in Long Island and NYC an opportunity to achieve facial symmetry and a distinguished appearance. It all begins here, contact us to experience the artistry of facial transformation with Chin Implants for a New You.

What are the benefits of a Chin Implant?

An NYC and Long Island Chin Implant offers a range of transformative benefits, enhancing both facial aesthetics and self-confidence. Here are some key advantages:

  • Improved facial harmony
  • Enhanced profile
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Customization
  • Long-lasting results

Who are the best candidates for the Chin Implant procedure?

Ideal candidates for the Chin Implant procedure in New York City and Long Island typically exhibit certain characteristics that make them a top pick for this enhancement. The best candidates may have:

  • Receding or weak chin
  • Good overall health
  • Realistic expectations
  • Non-smokers
  • Commitment to recovery

What’s the
first step?

Dr. Nikfarjam consultation | New You Plastic Surgery in New York
black marble | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

Chin Implant first steps

 The first step toward achieving a more defined and balanced facial profile with a Chin Implant is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart at New You Plastic Surgery. During this initial appointment, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals, address any questions or concerns you may have, and explore the possibilities of your Chin Implant.

After a thorough assessment of your facial anatomy and considering factors such as your chin’s structure, overall facial balance, and your desired outcomes, we will be ready to move forward together with a surgical plan.

What to expect on the day of Chin Implant surgery

On the day of your Chin Implant surgery at New You Plastic Surgery, you’ll embark on a transformative journey to enhance the definition and balance of your facial profile. The surgery typically involves several key steps.

Firstly, you’ll be welcomed into our state-of-the-art surgical facility, where you’ll undergo anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Once you’re comfortably sedated, Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart will make precise incisions, usually within the natural contours of your lower lip or beneath your chin, to minimize visible scarring.

Next, a pocket is created to accommodate the implant. Dr. Nikfarjam will carefully select an implant size and shape that aligns with your aesthetic goals and facial anatomy. The implant is then strategically placed, enhancing the projection and contour of your chin.

After securing the implant, the incisions are meticulously closed, and you’ll be monitored as you recover from anesthesia. The entire procedure is conducted with a focus on achieving natural-looking results and maintaining facial harmony.

Chin Implant Recovery

After your Chin Implant surgery, you can expect some initial swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort around the chin and jawline. During the initial days after surgery, it’s important to rest and follow the prescribed care regimen.

You may need to wear a supportive chin strap to minimize swelling and aid in the proper positioning of the implant. It’s advisable to avoid strenuous activities and maintain a soft diet during the early stages of recovery.

While individual experiences may vary, most patients can gradually resume normal activities within a week or two. Full recovery may take a few weeks, during which the swelling will subside, and you’ll begin to see the enhanced definition of your chin.

How much does a Chin Implant cost in Long Island, NY?

The cost of a Chin Implant at New You Plastic Surgery in Long Island and New York City can vary based on several factors, including the specific details of the procedure and the individualized treatment plan created for you.

To get a precise estimate tailored to your unique needs, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikfarjam. During this appointment, he will discuss your goals, evaluate your anatomy, and provide detailed information about the procedure, including the associated costs. 

Our team at New You Plastic Surgery is dedicated to transparency and will work with you to ensure you have a clear understanding of the investment in achieving the enhanced chin contour you desire.

dr. nikfarjam surgeon | New You Plastic Surgery in New York

Why choose
new you
plastic surgery?

Choosing New You Plastic Surgery for your Chin Implant procedure means entrusting your aesthetic journey to the skilled hands of Dr. Nikfarjam and our elite team. Our practice, nestled in the vibrant heart of Manhattan and Long Island, NY, is committed to providing optimal results that exceed your expectations.

Dr. Nikfarjam and our dedicated team understand that each patient is unique and deserving of personalized care and attention. At New You Plastic Surgery, we craft an atmosphere tailored to your comfort and dreams. We take the time to comprehend your aspirations, guiding you through the possibilities of Chin Augmentation and Implants with expertise and care.

Your aesthetic transformation begins with us as we continue to set the bar for excellence in New York. Contact New You Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nikfarjam, and let us be the architects of your newfound confidence and beauty.

Schedule a

To embark on your journey to enhanced beauty and confidence with a Chin Implant, schedule your consultation with Dr. Nikfarjam and Dr. Goulart at New You Plastic Surgery. Contact us today, and let us be your partner in achieving the chin results you desire

Schedule Consultation

Chin Implants FAQ’S

New you resources

We know that the decision to undergo plastic surgery can be a big one. There are many things to consider before your procedure, regardless of whether you live in the greater New York City area or are traveling from out of state. Our knowledgeable and friendly team wants to make your experience as seamless and effortless as possible, which is why we provide some informational resources to make your journey to a new you a little less stressful.

Patient Resources

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